My Precious! Back in 2008 I got a call from the nurse of a lady who was suffering in a nursing home, Precious’ mom. The nurses could not care for Precious any more. Well they asked if I would come groom Precious and by the way if I wanted her I could have her. Well I said no thanks because I already had a few other dogs at home, but I would come groom her. So I went to groom Precious. The nurse brought her out to my van and with one look at Precious I thought I would be there all day grooming her. She was a matted nightmare with one rotten tooth left in her mouth. She looked like skin and bones and had no life in her. As it turned out they were feeding her food for a large dog; one tooth left and had previous trauma to her mouth. No wonder she was skin and bones. My heart sank. I said “you know”, why don’t I just take her? It would be a lot easier grooming her on my time. It didn’t take long for Precious to come back to life. What an amazing beautiful white poodle. Precious flourished needless to say. She loved to ride in the van with me and come groom. She was patient while I colored her all crazy colors. In 2008 Precious was estimated to be 13 years old. Well my beautiful Precious stayed with us until 2013. What a beautiful spirit she was.